Accelogress Limited Ralf Kernchen United Kingdom, Guildford
- Offer & Request Save-a-Space for better parking management and a hassle free parking experience for drivers
University of Wolverhampton (RGCL) Iain Mansell United Kingdom, Wolverhampton
- Idea Learn about successfully implemented technology
- Offer Smart City Project Consortium Partners H2020
University of Wolverhapmton Paul Burrows United Kingdom, Wolverhampton
- Idea Developing Safe Cities
Contented Limited Jenny Jardine United Kingdom, Birmingham
- Idea Developing Safe Cities
D4SC - Design For Social Change Ltd Priya Prakash United Kingdom, London, SE50EG
- Offer Citizen Canvas - Award winning Smart city planning & collaboration tool.
- Offer Changify - Platform for people-powered decision making for smarter streets
apical paul strzelecki United Kingdom, LONDON
- Offer People detection software
Tenshi Steve Price United Kingdom, Surrey
- Request Collaborative Bid Opportunities
- Offer Smart city solutions
Nicander Trevor Platt United Kingdom, Billingham
- Offer Intelligent Transport Systems
University of East London Jaswinder Lota United Kingdom, London
- Idea Intelligent Care Management for Encouraging Independent Living Amongst Elderly People
- Idea Integrated Health Care for Smart Cities-Asthma Monitoring & Compliance
- Idea Novel crowd sensing for IoT in Smart Cities
EnviroComms Stephen Bates United Kingdom, Basildon
- Offer Behavioural Change Communications Services
- Offer Behavioural Change services and Collaborative contract opportunities
BASILDON BOROUGH COUNCIL Bala Mahendran United Kingdom, Basildon, Essex
- Offer Smart City Governance & Leadership
Road Safety Support Ltd Nick Croft United Kingdom, Billericay
- Offer Casualty Reduction advice and guidance
iNovar EMEA Limited David Monks United Kingdom, Bracknell
- Offer Take ALL of your enterprise systems mobile in moments!
- Offer Enterprise mobility solutions
- Offer ExXactView data visualisations delivered in days!
- Request Seeking scale-up investors
SeSys Dan Eames United Kingdom, Petersfield, Hampshire
- Offer Smart city surveillance and security
- Offer We are looking for sales partners
BuroHappold Engineering shrikant sharma United Kingdom, London
- Idea Smart Spaces in Smart Cities
- Offer Disaster management
- Offer Technologies for sensing, simulations and data visualisation.
- Offer Optimize design of buildings and urban realm.
Institute for Environmental Analytics Colin McKinnon United Kingdom, Reading
- Offer Big data analytics
- Offer & Request Software development/data analytics/visualisation expertise
KnowledgeKube Steve Vallis United Kingdom, Birmingham
- Offer KnowledgeKube Application Platform-as-a-Service (aPaaS)
- Request Channel Business Development Partners
Mott MacDonald Jo Baker United Kingdom, Birmingham
- Offer Proven Smart Mobility Solutions
Atkins Roger Savage United Kingdom, London
- Offer & Request Urban Development, Infrastrcuture and Smart City Demonstration Projects
Masabi James Gooch United Kingdom, London
- Offer & Request City Wide Mobile Ticketing for Transport (Bus, Train, Ferry, Subway, Tram)
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Bilateral Talks
- Participants427
- Meetings Requested3066
- Meetings Accepted1183
Argentina 5
Australia 2
Austria 2
Belgium 5
Bulgaria 1
Canada 8
Catalonia 157
Chile 7
Colombia 1
Czech Republic 2
Estonia 8
Finland 11
France 21
Georgia 1
Germany 15
Greece 2
Guinea-Bissau 1
Hungary 1
India 5
Indonesia 1
Israel 19
Italy 18
Japan 4
Lithuania 1
Malaysia 2
Mauritius 2
Mexico 2
Netherlands 6
Nigeria 2
Norway 1
Peru 2
Poland 1
Portugal 3
Puerto Rico 1
Serbia 1
Singapore 1
Slovakia 1
South Korea 12
Spain 45
Switzerland 2
Turkey 1
Ukraine 2
United Kingdom 23
USA 19
- Total of Participants427
Profile views
- Before Event30931
- After Event1156731